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Data Deletion Request Callback

Apps that access user data must provide a way for users to request that their data be deleted. Your app can satisfy this requirement in one of two ways:

1. Implement a Data Deletion Request Callback.
2. Provide a URL with explicit instructions for app users on how to delete their data by way of a third-party website or tool. The third-party website may be the relevant section in the application's Privacy Policy.

The data deletion callback is called whenever an app user removes your app or removes access to their data that is being shared with your app, such as their email address, in Settings of their GreenCRM24 account.

This generates a POST with a signed request that is sent to your app. The signed request contains an app-scoped ID identifying the user making the request. For an example of how to parse the request and the structure of the parsed request, see the following section.

In response to the user request, you should acknowledge receiving a user data deletion request through the technical means we provide, and provide a link and a confirmation number. The link and confirmation number must give the user access to a human-readable explanation of the status of their request, including a legitimate justification for any refusal to delete (where legitimate will vary based on jurisdiction and our case-by-case interpretation of our policy as it relates to their stated reasons).

Implementing the Callback

To parse and respond to the request, you should implement a "data deletion request" callback. Your callback must use the secure HTTPS protocol and must be listed in the Data Deletion Request URL field in the Settings in the App Dashboard.

The Data Deletion Request callback that you implement must do the following:

1. Initiate the deletion of any data your app has from GreenCRM24 about the user.
2. Return a JSON response that contains a URL where the user can check the status of their deletion request and an alphanumeric confirmation code. The JSON response has the following form:
{ url: '<url>', confirmation_code: '<code>' }

Testing Your Callback

To test your callback:

1. Log in to your app with GreenCRM24 login
2. Go to your GreenCRM24 profile's Apps and Websites settings tab: https://www.greencrm24.in/settings?tab=applications
3. Remove your app.
4. Click the View Removed Apps and Websites link
5. In the popup, click the View button to the right of the application.
6. In the window, appeared click Send Request to trigger your callback.

If you wish to delete user account data, you have to request us to delete your account. Subject to your GreenCRM24 user account is no longer required in the future, please send your request with account registered email to admin@greencrm24.in. Your account will be deleted and all data will no longer be saved.